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Articles, Book Chapters and Issue Briefs by Hans Binnendijk from 1973 - Present

"Reinvestigating the Origins of the Civil War" (with David Gompert and Donald King), The National Interest, August 9, 2024.
"NATO at 75: Success Through Adaptation," American Diplomacy, August 2024.
"The Yampa Valley’s Place in the West," Tread of Pioneers Museum, Steamboat Springs, CO (maps on loan from Dr. Hans Binnendijk)
"Ironclad: The Magazine of the American Civil War Museum," (with David Gombert), Volume 2, Issue 3, Spring 2024.
"A Security Strategy for the Black Sea" (as Task Force Member), Atlantic Council, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, December 2023.
"TAG TRANSATLANTIC COMPACT" (with Members of TAG), The Alphen Group, April 2, 2024.
"NATO at 75: Can Europe Defend Itself?" The Ripon Forum, Volume 58, No. 1, February 2024, p. 23.
"The Civil War and Revolutions in Naval Affairs: Lessons for Today," (with David C. Gompert), Joint Force Quarterly, Issue 110, 3rd Quarter 2023, p. 118.
"Revolutions in Naval Affairs" (with David C. Gompert), Ironclad: Vol 1/ Issue 3/ Spring 2023, The American Civil War Museum, pages 15-22.
"Providing long-term security for Ukraine: NATO membership and other security options" (with Franklin D. Kramer), Atlantic Council, May 23, 2023.
"Towards Nuclear Stewardship with China" (with David Gombert), The Survival Editors' Blog, IISS, February 16, 2023.
"A Comprehensive Strategy to Secure Ukraine's Future," The Alphen Group (TAG), February 2023.
"Implementing NATO’s Strategic Concept on China," (with Daniel S. Hamilton), Atlantic Council, February 2, 2023.
"Civil War Redux?" The National Interest, September/October 2022, pages 43-55 (with David C. Gompert).
"Strategic responsibility: Rebalancing European and trans-Atlantic defense," Brookings, June 24, 2022.
"MOVING OUT: A Comprehensive Assessment of European Military Mobility," Atlantic Council, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, April 2020 (working group member and contributor).
"Defending every inch of NATO territory: Force posture options for strengthening deterrence in Europe," Issue Brief, Atlantic Council, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, March 2022 (task force member).
"One Plus Four: Charting NATO’s Future in an Age of Disruption," NATO Task Force Report, February 16, 2022 (co-editor with Daniel S. Hamilton).
"The Future US Role in NATO," NATO 2030: Towards A New Strategic Concept and Beyond, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, 2021; Chapter 6.
"Deterring Nuclear Threats from China," Atlantic Council, Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, November 2021.
"US Peace and Conflict Diplomacy in a State-Centric World," Diplomacy and the Future of World Order, Georgetown University Press, 2021; Chapter 4.
"NATO Adaptation and Baltic Security," The Russia Conference Papers, University of Tartu Press, 2021, pages 50-59.
“Threaten decisive nuclear retaliation,” ( with David Gompert), NATO 20/2020, Atlantic Council, October 2020. 
“Capitalizing on transatlantic concerns about China,” (with Sarah Kirchberger and Chris Skaluba), Atlantic Council, August 24, 2020.
“Decisive Response: A New Nuclear Strategy for NATO,” (with David Gompert), Survival, Volume 61, Number 5; October-November 2019; pp. 113-128.
“Permanent Deterrence: Enhancements to the US Military Presence in North Central Europe,” (contributor), Atlantic Council Task Force Report, December 13, 2018.
“NATO’s Value to the United States: By the Numbers,” (with Magnus Nordenman), Atlantic Council Issue Brief, April 2018.
“Between continuity and erosion: three scenarios for the future of transatlantic relations,” College of Europe Policy Brief #7.18, April 2018.
“The Role of NATO Joint Airpower in Deterrence and Collective Defense,” in Joint Air Power following the 2016 Warsaw Summit, published by Joint Airpower Competence Center in Kalkar Germany, October, 2017, p.p. 35-73.
“JAPCC Conference Summary,” in The Role of Joint Air Power in NATO Deterrence, (NATO/Joint Airpower Competence Center/ Kalkar Germany), October 2017, pages 73-76.
“The Future of US Partnerships: A conversation with Hans Binnendijk,” Fletcher Security Review, Volume 4, No 1, Summer 2017.
“NATO’s Role in post-Caliphate Stability Operations,” (with David Gompert), The National Interest, May 2, 2017.
“Opening the Aperture on Resilience,” (with Dan Hamilton), in Forward Resilience: Protecting Society in an Interconnected World, Daniel S. Hamilton (Editor), Center for Transatlantic Relations (SAIS), 2016, pages 75-84.
NATO’s Future: A Tale of Three Summits; Center for Transatlantic Relations (SAIS), October 2016.
Book Review of Harlan Ullman’s A Handful of Bullets, in Prism Vol 5 No 3, NDU Press, 2015.
“Deterring Putin’s Russia,” in Transatlantic Relations in a Changing European Security Environment, edited by Robert Kupiecki and Andrew Michta, Center for Strategic and International Studies, 2015, pages 21-29.
“NATO Enlargement and Enhanced Partnership: The Nordic Case;” (with Andras Simonyi and Debra Cagan), Advancing U.S.-Nordic-Baltic Security Cooperation; Center for Transatlantic Relations: Johns Hopkins University; September 2014, Chapter 6.
“The Impact of Global Trends on Air and Space Power in NATO;” Air & Space Power in NATO: Future Vector Part 1; NATO Joint Air Power Competence Center: July 2014, pages 37-63.
“The New Burden Sharing Imperative;” Air & Space Power in NATO: Future Vector Part 1; NATO Joint Air Power Competence Center: July 2014, pages 139-147.
“Perspectives on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization”; The Fletcher Forum, Special Edition, October 2013, page 45-55.
“Widening Gaps in US-European Defense Cooperation”; (with Charles Barry), Transatlantic Currents, National Defense University Press, July 2012.
“Building a Multilateral Civilian Surge”, (with Jacqueline Carpenter), in Ives Boyer and Julian Lindley-French, Oxford Handbook on War. Oxford: Oxford University Press, February 2012.
“NATO Reassurance and Nuclear Reductions”; (with Catherine Kelleher), chapter in Reducing Nuclear Risks in Europe: Nuclear Threat Initiative publication; 2011.
“How to blunt the impact on NATO of European defense cuts,” (with Richard Kugler), Europe’s World, Autumn 2010.
“Implementing NATO’s Comprehensive approach to Complex Operations”; NATO in Search of a Vision: Georgetown University Press: 2010 (co-author).
“Through the Complex Operations Prism” (with Patrick Cronin); Prism; National Defense University Press, Volume 1, No 1, December 2009, pp 9-20.
“Should NATO Write a New Strategic Concept?” (with Richard Kugler) in Transforming NATO: An NDU Anthology Chapter 13; 2008.
“NATO: Surviving 9/11,” (with Richard Kugler) in A Recast Partnership? Institutional Dimensions of Transatlantic Relations edited by Simon Serfaty, (Washington DC, CSIS Press, 2008); also see Chapter 12 in Transforming NATO: An NDU Anthology.
“Towards a New Transatlantic Compact”; (with Dick Kugler); CTNSP Defense and Technology Paper No 52, NDU: August 2008; also see Chapter 14 in Transforming NATO: An NDU Anthology.
“The Comprehensive Approach: Options for NATO”; (with Friis Arne Petersen); Defense Horizons 58: NDU Press; September 2007.
“Future Directions for US Foreign Policy”: (with Richard Kugler), Defense & Technology Paper 40: NDU; May 2007.
“Solutions for Northern Kosovo”; Defense & Technology Paper 34: NDU; August 2006 (co-author).
“Transatlantic Homeland Defense”; (with Steven Flanagan, CTNSP/INSS Special Report: May 2006; also see Transforming NATO: An NDU Anthology Chapter 19.
“Transformation of Political-Military Aspects of NATO – What Needs to Be Done” in Conference Proceedings for Partnership for Peace Consortium: National Defense Academy: Vienna; September 2005, p. 46.
“Preemptive use of force: a reassessment”; The Fletcher Forum: Special Edition 2005, p. 92.
“A New Military Framework for NATO”; Defense Horizons 48; March 2005 (with David Gompert and Richard Kugler).
“Transforming the Reserve Component”; essay in Defense and Technology Paper 10: February 2005.
"Plan voor nieuwe stabilisatiemacht NAVO," Atlantisch Perspectief, Vol. 29, 2005.
Information Assurance: Trends in Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Technologies: CTNSP: 2004; (co-editor).
“Shaping Future Defense Budgets”; (with Richard Kugler); Defense & Technology Paper 6: CTNSP; November 2004.
“Needed - A NATO Stabilization and Reconstruction Force”; (with Richard Kugler); Defense Horizons 45: August 2004.
“Transform NATO, Don’t End It”; The National Interest: Spring 2004
“The Changing Context of Security Planning,” in Security Planning and Military Transformation after Iraqi Freedom, 34th IFPA-Fletcher Conference final Report, December 2003, pages 22-27.
“Dual Track Transformation for the Atlantic Alliance”; (with Richard Kugler), Defense Horizons 35: NDU Press: November 2003, also in Daniel Hamilton: Equipping NATO for the 21st Century, Johns Hopkins, pp 37-74.
Co-chairman’s Forward in Andrew Pierre’s Coalitions: Building and Maintenance: Georgetown University: 2002.
“Transforming European Forces”; (with Richard Kugler), Survival: IISS: Autumn 2002, pp 117-132.
“The Virtual Border: Countering Seaborne Container Terrorism”; (coauthor); Defense Horizons #16; NDU Press: August 2002.
“Towards Missile Defenses from the Sea”; (with George Stewart); Washington Quarterly: CSIS: Summer 2002; also see NDU’s Defense Horizons Number 14 and Contemporary Nuclear Debates edited by Alexander Lennon, page 48-64.
“Sound Vision, Unfinished Business: The Quadrennial Defense Review Report 2001”; The Fletcher Forum; Winter/Spring 2002.
“Adapting Forces to a New Era: Ten Transformation Concepts”; (with Richard Kugler); Defense Horizons #5; NDU Press: November 2001.
“Managing Change”; Defense Horizons #1; (with Richard Kugler); NDU Press: June 2001.
“Revising the Two-Major Theater War Standard”; (with Richard Kugler), Strategic Form 179; NDU Press: April 2001.
"Back to Bipolarity?”; Washington Quarterly: Autumn 1999; and Strategic Forum 161 (with Alan Henrikson): May 1999.
“NATO After the First Tranche”; (with Richard Kugler); Strategic Forum 149: October 1998.
“Tin Cup Diplomacy”; The National Interest: September 1997.
“Panama 2000”; Strategic Forum 117: (with Erik Kjonnerod); June 1997.
“PLA Views on Asia Pacific Security; Strategic Forum 114: June 1997.
“NATO, European Security and Beyond”; Joint Forces Quarterly (JFQ): Spring 1997, pages 55-56.
“After the Madrid Summit: Parliamentary Ratification of NATO Enlargement”; (with Sean Kay); Strategic Forum 107: March 1997.
“Romania and NATO”; (with Jeffrey Simon); Strategic Forum 101: February 1997.
“Hungary’s ‘Near Abroad’”; (with Jeffrey Simon); Strategic Forum 93: November 1996.
“A Strategic Assessment for the 21st Century”; JFQ: Autumn 1996, pp 67-68.
“The Security of the Americas” (with John Cope); JFQ: Spring 1996.
“US Strategic Objectives in East Asia”; Strategic Forum 68: March 1996.
“Tuning the Instruments of National Power” (with Patrick Clawson); JFQ: Winter 1995-1996.
“Baltic Security and NATO Enlargement”; (with Jeffrey Simon); Strategic Forum 57: December 1995.
“NATO Enlargement: Sailing between Scylla and Charybdis”; Strategic Forum 55: November 1995.
“Focus on the Middle East”; JFQ: Autumn 1995, pp 5-6.
“The Case for Forward Deployment”; JFQ: Summer 1995, p 7.
“America’s Military Priorities”; Strategic Forum 20: February 1995.
“Asia-Pacific Challenges” (with Patrick Cronin); JFQ: Spring 1995; pp. 6-7.
“Assessing US Strategic Priorities” (with Patrick Clawson); JFQ: Autumn-Winter 1994-1995, p. 10-17
“Preventing a Sixth Twentieth Century Balkan War”; (with Jeffrey Simon); Strategic Forum 9: October 1994.
“Challenges in time of Transition”; JFQ: Spring 1994, p. 6
“Rethinking European Security”; JFQ: Summer 1994, p. 6-7
"Open NATO's Door Carefully"; (with Richard Kugler); The Washington Quarterly: Spring 1999.
“New Strategic Priorities”; (with Patrick Clawson); The Washington Quarterly: Spring 1995; pp. 109-126.
“The Foreign Service in 2001,” Testimony before the House Subcommittee on International Operations, March 17, 1993.
“The Future of Nuclear Forces in European Security”; What Future for Nuclear Forces in International Security, Thomas Marshall (ed.) CNSN Workshop Report: February 1992.
“NATO and the World”; The Georgetown Compass: Winter 1991.
“The Emerging European Security Order”; Washington Quarterly: Autumn 1991.
“What Kind of New Order for Europe?” The World Today: February 1991.
"European Security and the Netherlands”; Atlantisch Perspektief: Dutch Atlantische Commissie: Spring 1990.
"Europese veiligheid en Nederland in de jaren '90"; Atlantisch Perspektief: 1990.
“European Security Alternatives”; in Beyond East West Confrontation: Searching for a New Security Structure in Europe: by Armand Clesse and Lothar Rühl, (Nomos Verlangsgesellschaft publishers, Baden Baden), 1990.
“NATO’s Nuclear Modernization Dilemma”; Survival: March 1989.
"Militara Konsekvenser AV Ett Fritt Baltikum"; Balticum och Sovjets sakerhet: 1989, pages 95-105.
“START: A Preliminary Assessment”; Washington Quarterly: Autumn 1988.
"Authoritarian Regimes in Transition"; Washington Quarterly: Spring 1987.
“EC-Japan Dialogue: Bridging the Communication Gap"; (with Mary Locke); European Community Magazine: March 1974, p. 8-10
“The Soviet Threat As Perceived in the US and in the Netherlands”; A Transatlantic Dialogue: Dutch Atlantic Commission: November 1982.
“GATT Talks Begin,” (with Mary Locke); European Community Magazine: November 1973, p. 15-17
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