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Books and Reports by Hans Binnendijk from 1973 - Present

The Civil War and Revolutions in Naval Affairs: Lessons for Today, (with David C. Gompert), National Defense University Press, Washington, D.C., August 2022.
Diplomacy and the Future of World Order, Georgetown University Press, 2021; (contributor).
Geometries of Deterrence: Assessing Defense Arrangements in Europe’s Northeast, (with Conor Rodihan), Atlantic Council, May 2020.
The China Plan: A Transatlantic Blueprint for Strategic Competition, (with Sarah Kirchberger as lead authors), Atlantic Council, March 2021.
NATO Priorities after the Brussels Summit, (with Frank Kramer and Lauren Speranza), Atlantic Council, November 2018.
“Meeting The Russian Conventional Challenge: Effective Deterrence by Prompt Reinforcement,” (with Frank Kramer), Atlantic Council, February 2018.
Alliance Revitalized: NATO for a New Era, (with Daniel Hamilton and Charles Barry), The Center for Transatlantic Relations (SAIS), May 2016.
The Power to Coerce: Countering Adversaries Without Going to War, (with David Gompert), The RAND Corporation, 2016.
Friends, Foes, and Future Directions: U.S. Partnerships in a Turbulent World, The RAND Corporation, 2016.
“NATO’s New Strategy: Stability Generation,” (with Frank Kramer and Dan Hamilton), Atlantic Council, September 14, 2015.
Blinders, Blunders and Wars: What America and China Can Learn (with David Gompert and Bonny Lin); RAND, Autumn, 2014.
A Transatlantic Pivot to Asia: Towards New Trilateral Relations, Center for Transatlantic Relations, School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University, May 2014 (editor).
Affordable Defense Capabilities for Future NATO Missions, A National Defense University Special Report, Center for Technology and National Security Policy, Defense University, 2010 (editor).
Civilian Surge: Key to Complex Operations: National Defense University Press; GPO; 2009 (co-editor with Patrick Cronin).
Operation Anaconda: Lessons for Joint Operations, (with Richard Kugler and Michael Baranick), Center for Technology and National Security Policy, NDU Report, March 2009.
Alliance Reborn: Report from The Washington NATO Project; February 2009; (co-author).
Transforming NATO: An NDU Anthology: CTNSP Book; December 2008; (co-editor with Gina Cordero).
Seeing the Elephant: The U.S. Role in Global Security: Potomac Books; 2006; (with Richard Kugler).
“Information Technology Program,” (study director), Report to Congress, CTNSP/National Defense University, January 2006.
Information Assurance: Trends in Vulnerabilities, Threats, and Technologies: CTNSP: 2004; (co-editor).
Transforming For Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations; (co-editor with Stuart Johnson); National Defense University (NDU) Press: April 2004.
Transforming America’s Military; NDU Press: Summer 2002; (editor).
Strategic Assessment 1999: Priorities for a Turbulent World; NDU Press: 1999; (editor-in-chief).
Strategic Assessment 1998: Engaging Power for Peace; NDU Press: 1998; (editor-in-chief).
Strategic Assessment 1997: Flashpoints and Force Structure; NDU Press: 1997; (editor-in-chief).
Strategic Assessment 1996: Instruments of U.S. Power: NDU Press: 1996; (editor-in-chief).
Strategic Assessment 1995: U.S. Security Challenges in Transition: NDU Press: 1995; (editor-in-chief).
Strategic Trends in China; NDU Press: June 1998; (co-editor)
Transforming Nuclear Deterrence; NDU Press: 1997; (co-editor with James Goodby).
Allied Command Structures in the New NATO; NDU Press: 1997; (editor).
“USIA: New Directions for a New Era”; Institute for the Study of Diplomacy (ISD) Report: Georgetown University: March 1993; (co-author).
The Diplomatic Record 1991-92; (co-editor Mary Locke); Westview Press: 1992.
“US Diplomacy Towards the Former Soviet Union”; ISD Reports: Georgetown University: June 1992 and December 1992; (co-editor).
“The Foreign Service in 2001”; ISD Report: August 1992; (co-author).
"Japan's Future Global Role," ISD Report, Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, June 1992.
NATO and Extended Deterrence; (with Glenn Cella); Foreign Service Institute (FSI), GPO: 1988.
Authoritarian Regimes in Transition; Foreign Service Institute, GPO: 1987; (editor).
National Negotiating Styles; FSI, GPO: 1987; (editor).
Strategic Defense in the 21st Century; Foreign Service Institute (FSI), GPO: 1986; (editor).
War in the Gulf; Senate Foreign Relations Committee; (co-author), SFRC Print: August 1984.
Post Deployment Nuclear Arms Control in Europe; (co-author), SFRC Print: February 1984.
The United States and the Soviet Union: Prospects for the Relationship; SFRC Print: June 1983; (co-author).
NATO Today: The Alliance in Evolution; SFRC Print: April 1982; (co-author).
The Proposed AWACS/F-15 Sale to Saudi Arabia; SFRC Print: September 1981; (with Robert Bell, George W. Ashworth, and Michael Kraft).
Turkey, Greece, and NATO: The Strained Alliance; (with Alfred Friendly, Jr.), SFRC Print: March 1980.
Prospects for Multilateral Arms Export Restraint; SFRC Print: (Study director), April, 1979.
Sales of F-15s to Saudi Arabia; SFRC staff report (with Bill Richardson); published in hearings, Middle East Arms Sales Proposals: May 3-8, 1978.
U.S. Troop Withdrawal from the Republic of Korea; SFRC Print: 1978 (For Senators Hubert Humphrey and John Glenn).
Overseas Private Investment Corporation: A Critical Analysis; Congressional Research Service, House Foreign Affairs Committee Print: September 4, 1973.
“The Dynamics of Okinawa Reversion” page 1 to 187 in Public Diplomacy and Political Change edited by Gregory Henderson; (Praeger Publishers; New York: 1973).
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